Session 3
The Green Far Away Hug Circle (Relatives)
The Green Far Away Hug Circle includes your learner’s relatives and closest friends. In this session, we will focus on relatives. In the next session (Session 4), we will focus on closest friends.
The three “Ts” for the Green Far Away Hug Circle are:
- TALK. Your learner can talk to relatives about personal news, family news or current events.
- TRUST. Your learner can trust relatives not to hurt them on purpose and to help them if necessary.
- TOUCH. Your learner can give relatives a far away hug that is affectionate and friendly, but not body to body and shorter than a hug with people in the Blue Big Hug Circle.
- As a general rule, relatives or extended family members are placed in your learner’s Green Far Away Hug Circle. However, relatives do not always belong in this circle. If your learner has never met Aunt Jane, she is not automatically in the Green Far Away Hug Circle. We don’t want to over-complicate the process, but there are six questions you can use to help determine circle placement. These questions are known as the Six Deciding Factors.
The Six Deciding Factors are:
- HOW LONG have I known the person?
- HOW OFTEN do I see the person?
- HOW MANY common bonds do I have with the person?
- HOW WELL do I know the person?
- HOW DEEP are my feelings for the person?
- HOW SAFE am I with the person?
- Relatives may be in your learner’s Blue Hug Circle instead of the Green Far Away Hug Circle if they are very emotionally close to your learner.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn/understand:
- Which relatives are in the Green Far Away Hug Circle
- The three “T” rules for the Green Far Away Hug Circle
- The sign for the Green Far Away Hug Circle