Session 2
The Blue Big Hug Circle
The Blue Big Hug Circle includes your learner’s immediate family. The Blue Big Hug Circle surrounds the Purple Private Circle. It includes people who are closest to your learner in an emotional sense, and those in close physical proximity (usually living together all or most of the time).
The three “Ts” for the Big Blue Hug Circle are:
- TALK. Your learner can talk to family about any subject, even personal subjects.
- TRUST. Your learner can fully trust family.
- TOUCH. Your learner can touch, hug and have body contact with family in a way that shows love, but is not romantic.
- The primary factors in determining who is in your learner’s Blue Big Hug Circle are emotional closeness and physical proximity. However, because family living situations vary widely, people who do not live together can still be in your learner’s Blue Big Hug Circle if they are emotionally close.
- Additionally, when siblings move out of the primary residence, they remain in the Blue Big Hug Circle unless their emotional closeness decreases substantially.
- Extended family members may also be in your learner’s Blue Big Hug Circle if they are very emotionally close to your learner.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn/understand:
- Who is in the Blue Big Hug Circle
- The three “T” rules for the Blue Big Hug Circle
- The sign for the Blue Big Hug Circle